Forney FFA
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Becoming a Student Officer

Elections for Student Officers are held each year in the spring semester.  Dates for elections will be released by your Advisor when the time nears.  Students who ran and received an office the previous year are allowed to run for office again.   Please note that you may not receive the position you held the previous year again.  All positions are determined by ranking of scores, input from interviews and student choice on their application.  

To qualify for office:

Students must be an active member of the Forney FFA, in good standing, who has received or will be receiving their Greenhand Degree.  If you are not sure if you have received or will be receiving your Greenhand Degree, please contact your advisor. Please see additional information in the forms below. 

Officers will be chosen by a 3 step process:


Within each step students will be ranked from first to last. At the end of all steps rankings will be added up and the student with the lowest score (the most first place rankings for example) will be offered their first choice of office. The top 6 scores will receive an office.  Adding or removing additional offices is at the desecration of the Advisor. 

Step 1 Application:

Application and Officer Contract is linked below. Students will be assessed and ranked based upon the answers to the questions within the application, their grades in all classes, and their teacher recommendations. This is the only step judged/ranked by the Advisors. 

Step 2 Interview:

Students will be interviewed by a third party member(s) (interviewers may not be a employee of Forney ISD). Interviewers will be chosen by the Advisor and be given a predetermined set of questions to ask all students.

***If student is not available on the determined date, student must set up a phone interview with the Advisor prior to the set date. Students who do not show up to his/her interview time without setting up a phone interview will automatically be placed at the bottom of the ranking.***

Step 3 Test:

Students will be given a test, on Canvas, immediately following their interview. Study material for this test can be found below. If a student has set up a phone interview they must also set up an alternate date to take the test that is BEFORE the set testing date. Students will be ranked based on his/her test score. The test will be over the FFA Manual (which can be found below) and Parliamentary Procedure (slideshow can also be found below). Students who do not show up for the test without setting up an alternate date before hand will automatically be placed at the bottom of the ranking.

If you have question about the Officer process, please contact your Advisor. 


Forney FFA Officer Application Mariah Brown 10/3/2018 156 KB
Forney FFA Duties and Rules Mariah Brown 10/3/2018 56 KB
FFA Officer Study Guide Mariah Brown 10/3/2018 108 KB
Official FFA Manual Mariah Brown 10/3/2018 4585 KB
Parliamentary Procedure Slide Show Mariah Brown 10/3/2018 425 KB



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